What is the grayish chunky stuff coming out of my gray tank?RVers always think the worst of their holding tanks is the black one. We’re here to tell you that gray tanks can be just as bad – or even worse!Gray or gray water tanks collect water from drains...
Should I travel with full holding tanks? The quick answer, no. A gallon of water weighs 8.33 pounds. That’s probably a pretty accurate measurement for your gray tank’s contents. The black tank, with added human waste, is more likely in the 9+ pounds per...
Do RV holding tanks have an overflow feature? In our years of servicing RVs, we have yet to see any make or model that has an engineered and planned overflow feature to either the black or gray tank. That being said, there are ways that your holding tanks can indeed...
Can I leave my gray tank’s release valve open all the time? Ah, another frequent question. We recommend that you leave all (and, for certain, your black tank’s) tank release valves closed until you are ready to empty the tanks. Why? If you leave the valves...
How often should I empty my tanks? As often as you would like! There’s no right or wrong as to when (other than when the tanks are full!) or how often you should empty your RV’s holding tanks. Our only word of advice is that you empty them when they are...
Why do my gray tanks smell worse than my black tank sometimes? For one thing, no current RV manufacturer includes an in-tank rinsing system for their gray tanks like there is in the black tank. This lack of a rinsing process means that waste only leaves the tank when...