SHOULD I REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF PINE-SOL IN THE KLEEN TANK TANK SOLUTION RECIPE OF I USE THE PINE-SOL 2X CONCENTRATED FORMULA? RVers love the simplicity, effectiveness, and low cost of Kleen Tank’s tank solution. But Pine-Sol now only seems to come in the new 2x...
What tank additive should I be using? If it was up to us, we’d prefer that you don’t use any tank additive at all! Why is that? All you really need is water, and plenty of it. Sufficient water when using your holding tanks – especially the black one – will...
Will dumping more tank chemicals down the toilet get rid of the smell in my RV? There are a number of reasons why your RV may smell like your black tank. It could be a problem with the vent pipe, you may have a seal issue with your toilet, or you could not be using...