How do you clean the down pipe of the toilet?

How do you clean the down pipe of the toilet?

HOW DO YOU CLEAN THE DOWN PIPE OF THE TOILET? Most RVer’s have the “how” of keeping their waste holding tanks rinsed out and — they think — clean. But what about that nasty pipe at the bottom of the toilet that goes into the top of the tank? We all...
How do I clear a blocked holding tank?

How do I clear a blocked holding tank?

How do I clear a blocked holding tank? There’s nothing worse than a blocked holding tank in your RV — except maybe a clogged up toilet (which is probably related to the tank problem)! But there’s hope — clogs and blockage, while dire, are...
How do I sanitize my freshwater tank?

How do I sanitize my freshwater tank?

How do I sanitize my freshwater tank? Sanitizing your freshwater tank – even if you rarely use it – is very important. Holding tanks are wet, warm, and exposed to molds, yeasts, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful organisms. Left unsanitized (or used), who knows what...
What tank additive should I be using?

What tank additive should I be using?

What tank additive should I be using? If it was up to us, we’d prefer that you don’t use any tank additive at all! Why is that? All you really need is water, and plenty of it. Sufficient water when using your holding tanks – especially the black one – will...
How do I figure out what is draining into each of my holding tanks?

How do I figure out what is draining into each of my holding tanks?

How do I figure out what is draining into each of my holding tanks? A very good question! While most of the answers might seem pretty intuitive — your toilet drains into your black tank and your shower goes into the gray — there are some interesting counter-intuitive...