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All of your RV holding tank questions…answered!
Welcome to Ask Kleen Tank, our specially-created website just to answer your questions about your RV’s holding tanks, waste handling system, water heater, and anything that Kleen Tank has some expertise with. Here are our most recent questions — and answers — from our readers, customers, and other RVers who have asked questions at rallies we’ve attended or through our Ask a Question page on our website. You can find a complete library of Q & A articles in our Library or visit the original Kleen Tank website for expanded articles on all sorts of topics. Enjoy!
Is a tank replacement necessary if I have persistent odors or misreading sensors?
You may think the solution for terrible tank odors and misreading sensors is a new holding tank. Think again. A professional tank cleaning is all you need. Here’s why.
Does my black tank sprayer really get my tank clean?
Almost every RV has a sprayer system in their black tank. We always get asked how well these work and can they be relied on to clean the black tank. Here’s what they, how they work, and our opinion on their effectiveness.
How do I clean my gray water tank sensors?
Black tank sensors get a lot of attention, but your RV’s gray tank sensors probably don’t work either. The reasons are pretty much the same as why your black tank sensors don’t work. Here’s what you can do about it.
How good of a job does my black tank flush system do?
Most RVs have flush systems in their black tanks and some even have them in their grays. They’re designed to spray high pressure (relatively, compared to the water hook-up at your site) water into the tank. How do they work and how good of a job are they doing?
Can you put bleach in your RV holding tanks?
Bleach is a common household cleaning chemical and you’d think it would be okay to put it into your RV’s holding tanks. Think again. There are better alternatives than this very caustic cleaner that won’t cause damage to your RV’s waste handling system.
What happens when I overfill my RV’s holding tanks?
RV holding tanks come in (relatively) exact capacities. What happens when the tanks get overfilled? From problems with ventilation, clogged traps, and burst tanks, the danger of overfilling your RV’s holding tanks is a concern. Here are a number of scenarios to be careful of.
Welcome to Ask Kleen Tank
Welcome to our new website, AskKleenTank.com. Here, you’ll find answers to all of your RV holding tank and waste handling system questions.
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P.O. Box 313, Sycamore, IL 60178
844-KLEENME (844-553-3663)
About our service
Fixes and corrects your RV's tank sensors almost every time.
Features innovative, hydrojetting technology.
Is a 100% mobile service. We come to you at your site.
Is environmentally safe and makes no mess at your site.
Is chemical-free and all-natural.