Everything we know about RV tanks
All in one organized & searchable place!
We’ve got dozens and dozens of questions — and their answers! — organized by topic, keyword, and category. Take a look at the latest nine questions or browse through our Q&A Library for the answer to your question or inquiry. Don’t see an answer? Ask us — we’ll get right back to you and add your question to the library for all to use!
Do those RV toilet paper shake tests really tell anything?
You’ve seen the RV toilet paper shake test videos. They shake the heck out of a couple of pieces of TP in a jar of water. Find out why they’re a bunch of malarky and why you can use any toilet paper you want to.
What is the grayish chunky stuff coming out of my gray tank?
RVers always think the worst of their holding tanks is the black one. We’re here to tell you that gray tanks can be just as bad – or even worse!
How do I find out how large the holding tanks are on my RV?
How big is your RV’s freshwater, black and gray holding tank? It’s pretty easy to find out the capacity of each of your tanks. Here’s how.
Do you need to flush your black tanks more in hot weather?
No one likes hot and humid weather and especially not your RV’s holding tanks. We answer the question about dealing with hot weather situations and how they might affect your black tank.
Can I dump my RV’s holding tanks at home?
It may not seem like a big deal, but it’s very unlikely that you can dump your RV’s holding tanks when you return back home. After all, you may have a sewer clean-out or easy access to your waste sewage pipe. Here’s why you probably can’t do it.
How often should you dump your black water tank?
The simple answer as to when to empty your RV’s black tank is when it is full. But there’s more to that simple process than pulling the gate valves and walking away. Take a look.
Will dumping more tank chemicals down the toilet get rid of the smell in my RV?
Does your RV smell like your black holding tank? You may think adding more chemicals, enzymes, or even those deodorant pods down the toilet is the solution. Think again.
Should I travel with full holding tanks?
Sometimes, you just can’t empty your RV’s tanks before you travel, like when you’ve been boondocking for a while. What are the dangers to your RV when traveling with full tanks? Find out.
Do RV holding tanks have an overflow feature?
You would immediately think that RV holding tanks don’t have an overflow feature, right? You’d be surprised that they actually do have a way for waste to overflow out! Not that you want them to!
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P.O. Box 313, Sycamore, IL 60178
844-KLEENME (844-553-3663)
About our service
Fixes and corrects your RV's tank sensors almost every time.
Features innovative, hydrojetting technology.
Is a 100% mobile service. We come to you at your site.
Is environmentally safe and makes no mess at your site.
Is chemical-free and all-natural.