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All of your RV holding tank questions…answered!
Welcome to Ask Kleen Tank, our specially-created website just to answer your questions about your RV’s holding tanks, waste handling system, water heater, and anything that Kleen Tank has some expertise with. Here are our most recent questions — and answers — from our readers, customers, and other RVers who have asked questions at rallies we’ve attended or through our Ask a Question page on our website. You can find a complete library of Q & A articles in our Library or visit the original Kleen Tank website for expanded articles on all sorts of topics. Enjoy!
Should I reduce the amount of Pine-Sol in the Kleen Tank tank solution recipe if I use the Pine-Sol 2x concentrated formula?
RVers love the simplicity, effectiveness, and low cost of Kleen Tank’s tank solution. But Pine-Sol now only seems to come in the new 2x concentrated formula. Should you reduce then the amount of Pine-Sol that Kleen Tank’s recipe calls for? Let’s find out!
How do I sanitize my freshwater tank?
Sanitizing your freshwater tank – even if you rarely use it – is very important. Left unsanitized (or used), who knows what will find a home there and cause potential problems. This article walks you through the simple process of sanitizing your freshwater tank.
How do my RV’s tank sensors work?
RV holding tank sensors. They’re the bane of every RV owner. Understanding what they are, how they work, and how you’re probably not helping them can help relieve some of the frustration. Thankfully, there’s a solution to your woes.
How do you clean the down pipe of the toilet?
Most RVer’s have the “how” of keeping their waste holding tanks rinsed out and — they think — clean. But what about that nasty pipe at the bottom of the toilet that goes into the top of the tank? We all know what it looks like (YUCK!), but how do you get it clean?
What tank additive should I be using?
Most RVers use pods, colorful additives, and just about anything we were given, told about, or bought at an RV store. But what are these additives doing inside your RV’s holding tanks? What should you be using? We’ve got some answers.
How do I figure out what is draining into each of my holding tanks?
Can’t figure which sink or fixture in your RV drains into which tank. It’s a pretty simple process to figure out your draining configuration. Follow these steps and finally know what goes where.
How do I clear a blocked holding tank?
There’s nothing worse than a blocked holding tank in your RV — except maybe a clogged up toilet (which is probably related to the tank problem)! But there’s hope — clogs and blockage, while dire, are pretty easy to take care of with a little knowledge and patience.
How do you clean my holding tanks?
How does Kleen Tank get your RV’s holding tanks “factory kleen?” The process is surprisingly simple and our results are pretty amazing. Read on to see how we use the simple cleaning power of water to get your tanks as clean as they can be.
Why do my holding tank sensors always misread?
Tank sensors misreading or not working at all? Join the club! Find out why your RV’s tank sensors never seem right and what you can do to fix them.
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P.O. Box 313, Sycamore, IL 60178
844-KLEENME (844-553-3663)
About our service
Fixes and corrects your RV's tank sensors almost every time.
Features innovative, hydrojetting technology.
Is a 100% mobile service. We come to you at your site.
Is environmentally safe and makes no mess at your site.
Is chemical-free and all-natural.